Friday, May 21, 2010

My Confession...

Okay, folks! It's time for a confession.  I have not updated Skinny Fat Chronicles in while because I have fallen completely off the wagon!  Life got pretty busy and my fitness goals fell by the the meantime... I GOT ENGAGED!!!!! you can read all about that on my other blog Well, nothing like a sparkly engagement ring to jump start your fitness plan again, so I'll be back on it starting this weekend.  I haven't begun to think about the wedding yet and we haven't set a date, but I do know that I want a strapless dress...sooooo, let the arm sculpting begin. Bring on the Perfect Pushup!!! (Audrey, don't laugh at me... hehe) Look for updates soon!

We all fall off the wagon at some point, but the most important thing is hopping right back on!

1 comment:

  1. lol. 2 months off the wagon? hehe. i have faith in you. cant wait to see wait type of dress you pick out!
