The initial high of getting back into the groove of working out and eating right has faded, and discouragement has tried to set in. I weighed myself and found that I've lost 3 pounds!
ONLY 3 STINKIN POUNDS in 14 days!!!! Okay, back to reality...That's really not bad at all. About 2 lbs a week is normal, healthy weight loss. So I'm shy 1 lb, but damn it! I want my 1 lb!!! and this is where the discouragement sets in. I can't help but think that if I had not had that 2nd plate at the super bowl party, or indulged in chips and salsa at happy hour, maybe I would have lost 1 more lb! BUT the truth is I might not have! All I can do at this point is move forward.
I am also reminded that the key to any good LIFESTYLE CHANGE is flexibility (notice I said lifestyle change instead of diet or weight loss plan! the key is to reach your goal and maintain it as a lifestyle!) One of the core principles of the Abs Diet nutrition plan is to allow ourself 1 cheat meal a week! AND ITS NOT OPTIONAL!!! so have that burger, or pizza! and jump right back on the wagon. Not only will it help you mentally, but it will JUMP START your metabolism!
"Researchers at the National Institutes of Health found that people who at twice as many calories in a day as they normally did increased their metabolism by 9 percent in the 24-hour period that followed." --The Abs Diet for Women, David Zinczenko
Eating that 1 cheat meal a week is just as important as eating the right thing for the rest of the week!!! I have to tell myself that too! I have my goal in front of me, and I sometimes forget to treat myself! After all, I'm working out 5-6 days a week, and eating my power foods...
Besides my cheat meal, I try to make sure I am incorporating the Abs Diet Power foods into my meals throughout the day!
Almonds, slivered or whole
Beans and legumes
Spinach and other green vegetables (leafy greens, broccoli, asparagus)
Dairy (fat-free milk and yogurt, cheese)
Instant Oatmeal
Turkey and other lean meats (turkey bacon, skinless chicken breast)
Peanut Butter (natural, no added sugar)
Olive Oil and other trans fatty foods (salmon, flax seed, avocado)
Whole-grain breads and cereals
Extra protein (whey protein powder)
Raspberries and other berries (blueberries, strawberries)